Browns Nyjer Thistle Seed, Natural, Song Blend
Wild birds will sing a happy tune! Natural, preservatives-free. The No. 1 seed choice of Goldfinches. No waste, less-mess, weed-free! Premium wild bird food. Attract colorful finches and other small songbirds. Even the most finicky finches love it! All our Song Blend Products are carefully chosen, cleaned & packed fresh in barrier bags. Song Blend Nyjer Seeds (Commonly Called Thistle) are not your ordinary seeds. Nyler is a clean, weed-free, garden-safe that is the most desired seed of all finches and small birds. Finches and other small songbirds seek our Nyjer seed for its high energy value from fats and aoil they need to survuve and flourish in the outdors. Right-sized foods! Finches and other small birds have tiny beaks, so Nyjer is just the right-sized seed. Weed-free & garden-safe! Nyler is great for gardens and watching areas since there are no unwanted wed seeds tge germinate. Nyler is Filker-Free Too! There are no fillers, so there is less outdoor cleanup. That means more food is eaten per pound, so Nyjer is more econimical. Provide Song Blend Premium Wild Bird products and watch your backyard wild birds sing a happy tune! That's because Brown's is Better! After carefully choosing only the best ingredients, our unique Five Stage Cleaning Process removes unwanted foreign matter to provide available. Our Packed-Fresh packaging process and Barrier Bags protect long-term freshness and product quality. Whether you are a novice or an avid hobbyist, you'll find Song Blend products will help make your wild bird feeding experience rewarding and fun! When it's more than just a hobby! Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Click, our pet mouse says visit Brown's website at Consumer help line 1-800-334-8816. Wild Bird Feeding Industry. Produced & packaged in the USA with globally sourced ingredients.