Beneful Dog Food, With Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, Brown Rice & Spinach 10 oz
Make every meal a celebration of flavor with Purina Beneful Chopped Blends With Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, Brown Rice and Spinach wet dog food. This premium dog food contains real turkey along with real sweet potatoes, brown rice and spinach to help create an adult dog food recipe full of wholesome goodness. Our high protein gravy dog food supports his strong muscles, and 23 essential vitamins and minerals show your playful pal you care about his health and his happiness. Finely chopped shreds accompanied by a delicious dog food sauce break apart easily for tempting texture. High-quality ingredients in each bite give you confidence you're giving him 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs, all in a recipe made without artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Packaged in a re-closeable Purina Beneful wet dog food tub, this chopped dog food makes it easy to control portions and store leftovers after every meal. Bring joy to mealtime when you serve Purina Beneful Chopped Blends wet dog food, and watch him wag his tail as he comes back for more at each feeding. The high quality dog food with rice makes a satisfying standalone meal and a great addition to your dog’s favorite kibble. We proudly produce Beneful wet dog food in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities.