Eatsmart Snacks Veggie Straws, Organic, Himalayan Pink Salt
Per 28 g Serving: 130 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 160 mg sodium (7% DV); 0 g total sugars. USDA Organic. Certified Organic by Quality Assurance International. Gluten free. Made with potato, spinach & tomato ingredients. Organic Veggie Straws are made with potato, spinach & tomato! ingredients. Then they're seasoned with himalayan pink salt to bring out the subtle veggie flavors and prepared in 100% expeller pressed sunflower oil. This smart snack, with a satisfying crunch, will leave you with feelings of more good & less guilt. From the makers of America's Favorite Pretzel Brand. Facebook: Check us out at Twitter: Follow us on Twitter (at)eatsmartsnacks. Visit us at